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VlSI1回顾: FPGA组成 与 Dedicated Processor 架构

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  • FPGA main component:LUT FF wire I/O
    • Plus: BRAM, CMT(clk management tile), DSP

  • FPGA 实现流程


Goal of architecture design

  • functionality
  • throughput
  • production costs
  • circuit size
  • energy efficiency

what algorithm suitable for vlsi architecture

  1. Loose coupling between major processing tasks.
  2. Simple control flow.
  3. Regular data flow.
  4. Reasonable storage requirements
  5. Compatible with finite precision arithmetics.
  6. Non-recursive linear time-invariant computation.
  7. No transcendental functions.
  8. Extensive usage of data operations unavailable from standard instruction sets.
  9. No divisions and multiplications on very wide data words, no matrix inversions.
  10. Throughput rather than latency is what matters.

dedicated processor


  • longest path delay tlp
  • Time per data item T
  • data throughput
  • Latency L
  • Circuit size A
  • size-time product AT
  • Energy per data item W/GOops


  • 优化从组合时序和存储三方面考虑
  • 流水线的正确保证是割集

SystemVerilog 硬件建模

  • ETH 强调的 systemverilog 写法样本
    • 三段式状态机
module x_counter #(
    parameter integer XResolution,
    parameter integer XNumSections
) (
    input  logic    clk_i,
    input  logic    rst_ni,

    input  logic    valid_i,
    input  logic    ready_i,
    input  logic    hsync_i,
    input  logic    vde_i,

    output logic    x_edge_o

    logic [31:0]    x_count_d,  x_count_q;
    logic           x_edge_d,   x_edge_q;

    assign x_edge_o = x_edge_q;

    always_comb begin
        x_edge_d    = 1'b0;
        x_count_d   = x_count_q;
        if (valid_i && ready_i) begin // Only evaluate `hsync_i` and `vde_i` on handshakes.
            if (hsync_i) begin
                x_count_d = '0;
            end else if (vde_i) begin
                x_count_d = x_count_q + 1;
                if (x_count_q == (XResolution / XNumSections-1)) begin
                    x_count_d   = '0;
                    x_edge_d    = 1'b1;

    always_ff @(posedge clk_i, negedge rst_ni) begin
        if (!rst_ni) begin
            x_count_q   <= '0;
            x_edge_q    <= 1'b0;
        end else begin
            x_count_q   <= x_count_d;
            x_edge_q    <= x_edge_d;


SystemVerilog 验证

  • assertion
  • 标准验证代码的写法
`timescale 1ns/1ns
module top;
	parameter int --;
	logic rst, clk;
	initial begin
		rst = 0; clk = 0;
		#5ns rst =1;
		#5ns clk = 1;
		#5ns clk =0;
	fsm #( ) i_fsm();
	test #( ) i_test();


  1. top down 那本教材
  2. lab note
  3. hdlbits